98 srx 700 with 99 harness and stator. I have not seen pv servo move at all. We put 3 diff servos on 3 diff cdis on one cdi will flash a pvs code 7 blink then space and start over. Any way I can test servo my self or the the harness power coming in?

while motor is running,turn idle screw down to under 900 rpm's ,the servo should turn..thus opening valves.When on the stand rev the motor up a little to around 6500-7000..not prolonged,but the servo should start to move again..if it doesn't operate in both your cases..your issue now lies in the wires all the down to the CDI
We just put the harness in, unwrapped it to check before install fixed any bad spots and put wire loom on. I really would like to check to see what volts are coming out of harness. But dont know what I should check, what voltage should be where.

it will be in a Yamaha SRX Service manual.Don't know it off hand..maybe others will chime in here.
Well I tested the wires from servo plug back to cdi box. I did a continuity test and the tester would buzz so It tell me wires are good. I also did a ohms resistant and they all zeroed out. So the sled will run but the pv servo will not work so it got to be the cdi right??

possibly..are there any loose connections,frayed wires or rub thru somewhere maybe.
I have testes the wires from pv servo back to the cdi and I have continuity. Is it possible that the side of the cdi that controls the pvs is not working? Any ONE have a manual that tells me any thing more to test? The pv are not stuck they are not out of adj. The servo will work just it is not being told to.