trying to improve my clutching iq


Apr 24, 2009
Osceola Wi
ive searched here but cant find a whole lot about choosing a helix. i tune my clutches primary first then secondary. what im wondering is, if say you start out stock and decide to go to any adjustable weights, when you tune the weights so that rpms are spot on the sled would be clutched right using the stock helix. why would you need any other helix? not sure if this makes sense, but im just trying to figure out why my sled had a 56/40 helix in it instead of the stock 47. by tuning the primary first either helix would work but whats the advantage of using the 56/40, faster upshift and slighlty higher topend? i run heavy hitters also.
Get a copy of Olav Aaen's Clutching book. It is a very good read and walks you through it at a fairly basic level. I recommend buying one from any mail order house such as Dennis Kirk, but I have heard that it can be seen online.
i have three helix's i have a mega power 56/40, a bender 53/49, and a stock 47. i use heavy hitters and i have used the 56/40 and 47 and had my rpms right on so what would the difference be. im prob not making sense?
