track loose or tight?


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I have heard that yamaha says to run your track loose such as 1.5" to 2". but the manual says 1" is that to loose?
sledmix said:
I have heard that yamaha says to run your track loose such as 1.5" to 2". but the manual says 1" is that to loose?

I run mine as loose as I can, just tight enough so it don't ratchet (slip on the drivers). This will save on your hyfax as well as wear on the track. Remember loose is fast also ;)! -Ed
Sheermadness03 said:
I run mine as loose as I can, just tight enough so it don't ratchet (slip on the drivers). This will save on your hyfax as well as wear on the track. Remember loose is fast also ;)! -Ed

Bingo. I run .875 lug, 1" studs and 2 fingers deflection at midpoint.
No rubbing anywhere at higher 1 finger, I scrub 5 mph off.
Loose is smooth and smooth is fast ;)!
You do have to watch how loose you run them though or they will ballon up at high speeds and rub on the tunnel protectors and scrub off speed to.......
sounds like you should remove the tunnel protectors then lol. 1" track, no protectors here... i loosened up my track until it ratcheted, then tightened it a half turn, no ratchet. perfect
