Lean Motor


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Milton, Ontario
Hi Guys

My sled is a 2001 SRX 700

I had a lean blow up of 2 cylinders a couple weeks ago which I wrote about on this thread and received lots of help as to what most likely caused it. Originally I had smaller jets from a 2000 sled in my sled, old gas, carbs sitting since last year,etc. Since my sled blew 2 weeks ago, I put 2 new jugs, pistons and heads, new rings on all 3 pistons, the carbs have been taken apart and cleaned, fuel has been emptied and replaced with premium fuel with a little oil in the mix, the jets have been changed to 150 and 147's, all new gaskets throughout, new plugs have ben installed and only Yamaha parts have been used. Since the engine was mostly disassembled anyway, I also had new crank seals put in.

My questions is this, we took the newly built sled out today and did some short runs to break the rings in etc. No hard driving and no long runs, when we inspected the plugs, they looked fairy light in color? How long does it take for carbon to build up on the plug? Could this still be too lean? Does it take a few runs for the plugs to actually develop color? What do you recommend is the best way to break in new rings or a newly built motor?

Thanks in advance for all your help!
When I put new plugs in my srx it took about 100 miles to develop some color on the plugs. Proper warm up and good oil with premium fuel is a good start to break in.
So I should just run it for a while and keep looking at the plugs? With the correct jets, clean carbs,new crank seals and premium fuel, I dont know how I could still be running too lean?
You assume you are running lean NOW or before the rebuild? Before the rebuild I understand. 1st off old stale gas is a serious no-no with dirty carbs. Just keep taking it easy for awhile and checking things over. Make sure the airbox to carb boots are on and sealed, no fuel leaks, coolant leaks, and things like that.
