pull cord on phazer


New member
Oct 5, 2009
east haven, CT
so i went to go start the phazer up before i did the flatslides and the cord broke!!! i was just wondering what i am looking at to put a cord on it since it is a ways away in the snow and i have no other sleds home to tow it... its just my home sled and im gonna have to fix it out in the field does anyone know what tools i may need and or any surprises i may run into?
Just start it with the emergency start rope that should be in your tool kit. Or if you don't have that, simply wrap a rope around the primary clutch and pull to start. 3 - 4 pulls should get it going.

Once you get it home and take the recoil off, you can work on it in a garage or house. Do a search as how to do this is posted on here. It may have found it's way into the Tech Pages as well.
