New member
ok i have a 04 viper that im working on for a friend and the dcs light come on around 135-145km , it has a sno-stuff can on it, i went up to 157.5 from 156.3 and i have 45 pilots and the needle is on clip position 3. oh and the light comes on if you let off the throttle just a little . any ideas why it is still coming on would be great.
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New member
probably got a bad tank of gas, dump some startron fuel treatment in or siphon it out and run it in your truck. Mine came on last week when I used some fuel that had been sitting a few weeks in my garage, went away when I got fresh fuel in it again. Todays fuel is crap, doesn't store like it use to and loses octane rating fast. Yet, we get to pay more and more for it. 

New member
i know the fuel is shit, i have tryed fuel from 3 difrent gas stations around town and the samething, even tryed klotz octain booster, im getting pissed off at this thing can i just take the knock sensor and zip tie it to the rad hose and ride on , but really im at the my wits end with this thing
New member
if it's blinking constantly, something is wrong, mine only blinked a couple times at approx. 1/2 throttle settings, around 90 km/hr. pull your plugs, if they are quite white, I'd start looking for a possible air leak leaning out the engine and throwing on the dcs. carb boots or reed gaskets or crank bearings....Or maybe the sensor took a crap.