the Wolfman
New member
Feb 5th...Paint Lake / Dorset. Every 2 weeks after til iceout
500 ft ice, full tree start, two lanes for chisels/two for trail studs. Runwhatyabrung

500 ft ice, full tree start, two lanes for chisels/two for trail studs. Runwhatyabrung

What if we go all the way there and they say it's a private race and we aren't invited....
the Wolfman
New member
it's cool.. I know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy whose cousins' ex wifes nephew runs the gate....... 

That's what I thought until there was a black balling in caledonia... Lol
the Wolfman
New member
who got black balled? splainyourself Lucy
Was loaded up and ready to go, booked the day off and everything only to get a call on Friday pm to be told that it was a private event and was invite only. tried to call you to confirm but got no answer. I was not the only one..