quick question... compression


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Hey guys. i have a stock viper 700. i am sure my compression is low i am at 115 125 and 120 p.s.i. what is the factory compression for this sled?
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bluecooker said:
Hey guys. i have a stock viper 700. i am sure my compression is low i am at 115 125 and 120. what is the factory compression for this sled?
your gauge may be off ( very common) numbers are close ... how many miles?

do a search you will find your answer
the search bar on the top of the page (under your name and messages box top right... youll be reading for a while theres so much info on almost anything
in my search i found that the clutch side conpression should be 110 and the others should be 125. is this correct?
I don't know if there was a real benchmark for the Viper. What you are seeing seems very common. Usually the clutch side is a good 10 or so pounds lower than the middle and the mag. I see alot of 110 to 115's on the clutch side and alot of 125ish on the other two. Usually those two are about the same. When mine was in tip top shape on two guages I had 127/143/144. My old mans was a bit higher. Last year I had some ring blow by and on the same gauges I had closer to the numbers you have shown here. It really depends on these things. I need to check mine again after the new rings.
bluecooker said:
great! thanks guys! now i feel a little more easy about getting on the throttle again! brrraaaaappp

A compression test will give you a rough idea of ring condition but tells you nothing about the wear of the piston.

Nor will a cylinder leakage test.

You're beyond the recommended miles for a re-ring but IMO the recommendation for a re-ring at this mileage has more to do with inspection of tolerances than ring sealing capabilities.

Many here have gone well beyond the recommended mileage for re-ring without issue (10k +) but some have found excessive clearances at 5K-7K miles.

Don't mean to bring you down and more than likely you'll be fine this year, but I'd surely open it up in the off season and make sure who ever does it check piston skirt to cylinder clearances.

Of course this is all MHO so take it for what it's worth.
