02 viper starts quick then shuts off


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Poconos, Pa
New to this site, I have a 02 Viper with 1500 miles on it, I just purchased it. The sled was great put maybe 25 miles on it and today I warmed it up to take the kids out and rode it for maybe a 1/2 mile and while I was starting my other sled which is a 99 mach z 800 this viper shut off. I pulled it and it fired up with 3 pulls warm which was rare usually 1 when warm. I went to pull away and it died. I started it again and rode down the lake though when I went to slow down it died again and would not start. I waited 5 minutes and then it started with 1 pull though I had to get on and go. The sled died again and it will fire for 2 seconds and shut off and now the lights and cluster will not light even for those 2 seconds. what the heck is wrong with this sled. I am a true blue yamaha fan from when I was a kid I also own a 01 SRX 700 though I have had issues with that and that is currently in the shop for a CDI unit and replaced the Stator last year. But my Ski doo no problems at all what the heck.
any help please or if there is a yamaha mechanic that does side work outside the dealer near Lake Harmony get in touch with me thanks Jeff
Hey have you found out anything about this problem yet ? I have an 01 SRX which is pretty much the same motor and its having the exact same issue. I just put a new stator in it today and still the same problem.
Get a can of FREEZE MIST from the electronics store (air blaster in a can for your PC will work if turned upside down) Drive until it stops and spray CDI unit with the freeze mist until it is cold. If problem goes away it is a CDI problem which is kinda what you described.
I replaced my TPS a little while ago and only cause it was flashing a code in the dash. It was blown but a blown TPS had absolutely no performance difference to the sled. Only way i knew was the code. I did a Ohm reading on the stator it checked out good i got the specs from my local dealer. But i dont know about the cdi. This trick with the freeze mist seems odd but it could work. In my case it wouldnt cause i cant even drive mine now it will barely even start. It will start and shut down right away. Also i have no lights what so ever.
