01 srx mods


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Poconos, Pa
I have a 2001 SRX 700 with 2300 miles on it, I bought the sled with a aftermarket can on it and I have been reading that these cans rob me of power compared to the stock one is this true? Also what slight mods can I do to this sled that would not harm reliability. If a clutch kit which one and where do I get it. I live in the poconos and am always on the lake. I must say I am not impressed on the performance of this machine as everyone raves on. please any mods I can do.
if you aren't impressed w/the stock performance of a '01 srx, then you better get a stock can to gain back the hp you lost on top end and check/adjust those power valves, cause you probably have a pull thru. also, just pick a clutch setup that turk has in the tech pages and save yourself some $$$ from buying a kit from somebody.
just bought a stock can off of ebay hope this improves my performance. I saw on 1 of these posts that an aftermarket can on a stock machine can take away possibly 16 hps why would you buy something like that. what type of clutch kit would I get I am not sure about this stuff thanks
You should be revving 8500 rpm at wide open throttle. You may have mechanical issues.
a can definetly is not the reason your sled isnt running ... you may lose 2 mph but what rpm are you rurning any powevalve pull throughs??? compression good? if your not impressed with the performance of a srx out of the box than good luck finding something that will... hands down a very fun impressive sled... and no slouch to boot
Maintance is the KEY. Clean carbs, sync carbs, clean/check/adjust power valves and ill bet it will RIPPPP. I love the way mine just stretches out my arms.
same as the others. remove and disassemble your power valves to clean, fix and see how they work. Use the search feature at the top to find a lot of good information (adjusting powervalves). If you have pull throughs, you wouldn't believe how much of a difference that makes. There are 2 ways to fix them aside from replacing them (search for powervalve repair).

clean your clutches, check your belt width. If your track isn't hanging down when the sled is on a stand, it's too tight and robbing power.
Thanks for all the information I do get the sled serviced before each season and if I would get a clutch kit what should I get I enjoy lake riding considering it is my front yard. i have I believe 96 studs down the center and just replaced the front axle and bearing speedo cable and CDI box since it took a shit last season. I am not snowmobile mechanically inclined
blaize02 said:
what do the diff color springs mean and can I just buy a kit?

different colors differentiate "this" spring from "that" spring, as they don't all have the same start force, final force, rate, free length, etc. yes, you sure can just go out and buy a kit. sounds like that may be your best best.
96 studs is not enough to hook-up an SRX. Are you spinning the track accross the ice? You should have 144 minimum and probably 196 for best traction.

As the guys have said here, check the other issues also. This sled should impress you!
