Question for all!


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I have read a lot of discussion on here about the viper engine failures and design flaws. I have always thought overheating issues would damage the topend of a motor and lack of lubrication and corrosion are the leading cause of crank/bottom end failure. Can the head design be related to crank failure? I know excess heat is not good for any components but wouldnt oil protect the crank and bearings until the topend failed or seized?
You are correct. I shut mine down before the piston came apart and went in to the bottom end. Pieces of piston do a bottom end in quick. Most of the failures I have been able to track down took out the mag side piston and/or center piston.

I am told the Opticool gasket solves this issue but I have yet to reassemble mine with it and test.
