Viper Coolant Flow Direction?


VIP Lifetime Member
Jan 27, 2009
Central MN
I am wondering which direction does the coolant flow in a viper? Does the hot coolant come out of the cylinder head and flow towards the thermostat/resivour, or is it the other way around? If it is the other way around, where does the hot stuff leave the engine and head off to the heat exchangers? Is that the hose under the drive belt?
Motor => Thermostat => Right cooler => Back Cooler => Left cooler => Motor

And I'll bring back my first statement that my right foot/ running board is always warmer than my left.
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call me crazy, but the flow is counterclockwise. The exchangers under the left running board is way hotter than the coolant on the right running board. I run triple pipes with an srx rear heat exchanger and opticool gasket. My left running boards never have snow and my right running boards always have some.
viper48 said:
call me crazy, but the flow is counterclockwise. The exchangers under the left running board is way hotter than the coolant on the right running board. I run triple pipes with an srx rear heat exchanger and opticool gasket. My left running boards never have snow and my right running boards always have some.

Just for clarity...

In the automotive world left and right is determined by the driver's position when driving. Left is the drivers side and right is the passanger side.

Unless you're in Japan... Indiana ;>)
My throttle side (right) running board is always colder than the left, thinking that the cool coolant flows towards the motor. I think im a crazy. ;)
The reason I asked this question in the first place was to determine the best spot to mount the temp sensor for a water temp gauge. I know most people put them on the hose between the thermostat and the cylinder head or just tap into the cylinder head. I am assuming that is where the hottest water is, since the temp warning sensor is mounted to the head. It just seems odd that the hot water would be going out of the head and straight into the resivour.

In regard to the left running board being hotter... that is what I have experienced as well. No one has mentioned the front heat exchanger... perhaps that is where the direction change happens?
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I have a Peak aftermarket head on my Mt Viper, and it had a spot right on the coolant rail to mount the Temp Guage "T" sensor, so that is where I put mine.

Here is a few helpful links:

Pics of it:

An older thread:

But I see what your saying -- a good place to mount the sensor would be where the coolant exits the motor, so you'd know actual engine temps. Nice analysis.

I've actually thought an EGT (Exhaust Gas Temp guage) would be more useful for preventing detonating a cylinder, or even a burn down. But others have said that monitoring coolant temp is just as useful. In any event, this was what I could find when i was looking, so I went with the coolant temp guage.
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nope, the viper does NOT have reverse flow cooling system, it does travel from the engine out the thermostat, into the right cooler first, then rear coming back thru the left. The one thing it does have is a extra bypass on the front heat exchanger and the srx only has 1, so you might be seeing a differance with the bypass,extra hose on the viper as far a s temp wise, the viper also holds less coolant. If you refer to any tech update book like 2002, it shows you the coolant path thru the sled, for most models in the service manual also.
snomofo said:
Just for clarity...

In the automotive world left and right is determined by the driver's position when driving. Left is the drivers side and right is the passanger side.

Unless you're in Japan... Indiana ;>)

No really!! lol
Does anyone have an '01 SRX service manual that shows the front HX?

Niether the hardcopy I bought in '01 or the pdf version has it pictured.

Just curious.
