Why are PV cables Derailing????


New member
Dec 14, 2005
Not my sled.... A good friends that I am working on.
'first year viper non-ER
First thing we seen was all the cables were derailed and messed up.
Cleaned the valves really good and replaced the cables.
I set them up using the allen wrench trick.
Everything seemed to work fine for a couple hundred miles then it happened again. I caught it with only one cable broke this time.
Bought another cable and replaced the return springs thinking maybe they had weakened up(6000 miles).
Last tuesday I took it for a ride, 25 miles or so and everything seemed normal.
I varied the throttle from short wide open bursts to long wide open burst and no problems.
I decided to shut it off and look at the servo. I found all cables completly loose and he cam was about a 1/2 turn counter clockwise from where it was when I had the cables set. So I started it up and watched the servo. It never cycled at start up like it should. It stayed loose and would cycle back and forth about an 1/8-1/4 turn. WTF I never seen something like it.
Dealer was no help. They actually worked on it once about a year ago and found nothing and never seen anything like it.
After shutting the sled off I put the cables back on and tightened the cables back up by turning the cam with my hand. Started it back up and everything was fine again. It cycled and worked perfect back home, probably 20 miles.
Short or something some where?
Computer? I do not want to get a new servo unless I know its bad. I am sure the dealer will not take it back.
any thoughts
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a few things here,, you are wrapping them CCW on the servo pulley and in order?

with servo cover off rev up to 6500 or so and watch the servo should pull open the valves turning CCW.

did you say servo is NOT cycling upon start up? it should. any codes.
After more digging I found two frayed wires where the harness wires turn up into the cdi box. One Wire was the white with red tracer to the servo and the other was a blue with black tracer
What pain in the butt
MidMichMachZ said:
After more digging I found two frayed wires where the harness wires turn up into the cdi box. One Wire was the white with red tracer to the servo and the other was a blue with black tracer
What pain in the butt

I'm not sure if a short or open in the wires you mentioned above would change the travel of the servo wheel or more specifically be the cause of a pull through, but adjusting the cables/valves from a less than open position could.

If when you set the servo wheel to open (by either idling below 900 rpm or use the shop manual test rig) and see it go open and turn back slightly from full open (or jitters/bounces), you'll need to put some slack in the cables and reset the servo. This would esplain a pull through after PV adjustment.

Daman mentions this in the FAQ for adjusting PVs.
In my first letter above I said that the cam went counter clockwise and cycled a bit.
I screwed that statment up....pretty bad :)
After my ride of 25 miles or so when I thought everything was right...and checked to see that the cables were all loose, I found that the cam actually had turned clock wise farther then it was when I set the cables. I used the yamaha wiring harness and battery to set the servo. When the cables were still loose(ready to derail) I started the sled up and the servo went back and forth about a 1/8-1/4 turn, while the cables were still loose and wouldn't stop doing that until I had shut it of. I believe it would do that, or something weird, if the wires to the servo were shorting directly to the frame.
So it seems so far everything is back to normal.
