Brake Light Issues


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Soldotna, Alaska
So out of nowhere the brake lights on my 2003 Mountain Viper decided to stop working. I changed the bulbs out even though they looked o.k. and they still no workey.

Any advice from the people in the know would be appreciated.
check the wire that runs under your tank and seat to the tail light for wear. I'm assuming you're not having any other electrical issues?
The first thing I checked were the wires under the seat. No issues there. Made sure the connections were nice and tight too. There are no other electrical problems that I'm aware of either. I'm hoping that it is a simple fix. Maybe a connection that came loose that I'm over looking. I've had the riser pad off a number of times before this happened but can't find the issue.
the stop switch is located on the bottom of the master cyl, just remove the 8mm headed nut and it will come off, start up sled and move the switch by hand and see if it works, sometimes they lose contact just in the area of use.
mrviper700 said:
the stop switch is located on the bottom of the master cyl, just remove the 8mm headed nut and it will come off, start up sled and move the switch by hand and see if it works, sometimes they lose contact just in the area of use.

Thanks for the info. The brake lights work again! ;)!
