New Slydog Skis-Should I have to shim them?


Life Member
Feb 11, 2008
Uitca, NY
I just purchased a new set of Slydog Race ski's for my sled. Do I need to shim them like the OEM's or are aftermarket's of a better design that it is not necessary?
Most do require shimming, I believe those are the opposite of most skis and you'll end up putting a 1/4" shim under the front of the rubber piece.I'd double check it though on a concrete or other known flat surface and make sure your carbide is level to slightly up in the front.
If these are brand new, not just new to you, the ski rubber has been redesigned. That being said, Swede is correct. You should always check the attitude of your carbides when installing them, and througjout the season. Shims will sink in to the ski rubber, fall out, etc. . Hope ya' like your new skis. My Powderhounds are on season 4 and still get the job done.
Yes, they are brand new. Black and blue swirl w/ a blue handle. I just shimmed the back by about .225". Hope it is not the other way around. Going on an overnighter tomorrow. Have to check the wear when I get back.
