HELP!!! SRX problems galore!!!


New member
Jan 26, 2011
flin flon, manitoba
Hi, I just bought a 2000 srx 700 and its been nothing but a headache so far. I fixed a couple of the problems but there are 2 left that I cant figure out. first the clutch problem, I cant get the belt to stop slipping. I'll be driving along at about 20 mph, and when I burp the throttle it revs like its in neutral. but if I hold the throttle, it starts going then after a couple seconds under load, i hear the secondary slap open and it boggs right down. it pulls the belt way down in the secondary (theres also black slip marks way down in the secondary). if you keep holding it, the rpms go all over the place like it keeps slipping, grabbing, slipping. it improves to the point where its barely noticeable after riding for a half hour. I also noticed a thin black slip mark way down at the bottome of the primary along with what looks to be tiny little cracks. myself as well as others have been through both clutches numerous times and we cant find anything wrong. I tried a new belt and roughing up the sheves too. I checked, its clutched to stock specs and Ive tried every secondary/helix sring hole combo there is. right now its set as stiff as possible and it still does it. Im outta ideas??? maybe i'll make another post for the other problem, this post is getting kinda long. ugh frustrating!!
HELP!!! SRX problems galore!!!cont....

sorry, im still figuring this site out. k, the second problem started when I went ice fishing. after fishing all day I started the sled to leave and it sat there and idled for 5 minuits before the lights came on.(i mean all the lights, headlight, tail, guage) then the next time I went fishing, same thing. once they turn on they work fine though. but recently theyve been flickering a bit when I first start the machine, and yesterday after I came back from a ride, they were flickering again and the engine started missing when i tried to rev it. I'm thinking maybe the relays located by the voltage regulator but I wanna be sure because their 150 bucks each. another thing I heard it might be is the wiring harness under the engine, but I hope its not that Ive heard thats not fun to fix. any idea's about this and my clutch problem mentioned in the other post???
you have answered some of your own questions here, but to start on your clutch, have you taken apart the primary clutch, and checked its calibration parts? sounds like you have a sacked spring,broken spring,worn rollers, worjn clutch weights, or worn parts somewhere.

for your lights not coming on for 5 mins, its the relays being frozen, remove the white and blue relays and place them on a heated furnace outlet in your home overnight and it wil dry up the moisture in them,common problem

for the flickering lights, mis firing of engine ,etc ,yes, its the wiring harness under the engine ,its rubbed thru and causing the problem, theres only about 20,000 post on how to repair it on this site, just use the search engine to bring them up. again common issue
sounds like a classic rub thru to me, pull the harness and check it over, it's not that hard of a job to pull and re-route ;)!
thanx, i'll check out the harness when I get a chance. as for the cluches, Ive been through them twice, and I had a guy at the polaris dealer here look at them and he couldnt find anything wrong either( the only sled dealer we have here is polaris). rollers are good bushings are good, spider shoes are good, weight bushings are good, I put a new stock spring in, and checked and the weights are stock. in the secondary bushings are good, buttons are good, and I put a new stock spring in and tried all different spring hole combinations. Im outta idea's its set with as much spring tension as it can be right now. oh, and can those relays be bypassed?
trav3A41 said:
How come it seems everytime i look through these threads all i see is someone asking a question about some kind of problem?? Dont people know how to maintain there machines? This is what happens when untrained people try do do there own modifications and work instead of taking them to a certified specialist who do that kind of S#&t for a living. You may spend some money in the process, but at least you know your shit is done right. I live a half hour from hauk and they do all my service and mods, and never had
a single problem once. :offtopic: Yamahas are some af the best built sleds around. shouldnt be all these problems.
HEHE So you spend 110.00 bucks to change a 15.00 dollar spring?
trav3A41 said:
How come it seems everytime i look through these threads all i see is someone asking a question about some kind of problem?? Dont people know how to maintain there machines? This is what happens when untrained people try do do there own modifications and work instead of taking them to a certified specialist who do that kind of S#&t for a living. You may spend some money in the process, but at least you know your shit is done right. I live a half hour from hauk and they do all my service and mods, and never had
a single problem once. :offtopic: Yamahas are some af the best built sleds around. shouldnt be all these problems.
Thats what this forum is all about,, fellow sledders helping each other out. Some dont have the funds to pay the hourly rate of the shops and want to learn more about there sleds..... Its good that you have money to spare, but sorry for you stuck out on the trail scratching your head cause you dont know where to start to get going again........
"This is what happens when untrained people try do do there own modifications and work "

I did my own work and saved $1,800 in labour. I am untrained because I do not do it for a living. This is what I did.

- Replaced all bulbs on tach and speedo gauge
- Replaced handle bar grips
- Replaced drive axke
- Replaced speedo housing
- Replaced both drive bearings, circlip and seal
- Replaced crankcase oil
- Replaced exhaust donuts
- Replaced exhaust springs
- Adjusted chain
- Replaced 1 Power valve
- Adjusted Powervalves
- Replaced head gasket (mikly oil found on Powervalve #1)
- Took skid out and replaced 3 zerks and 1 bearing and 1 idler wheel
- Adjusted track tension
- Changed coolant, bled cooling system

Sled runs better than ever.
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The best way to learn is to DO IT
It just sucks when you get stuck with someones old or know problems
But there is a lot of help on here to figure it out
ok, reading your clutch problem again for the second time, sounds like the moveable sheave bushing is toast, this will make the primary do what you are saying, you have to remove the primary spring and then if it has slop which it sounds like from your description, it needs replaced. It is binding not staying parralel to the spider shaft.
Just a note about lynxlovers clutch issues, good part is that we live in proximtety so we switched sec. off my sled to try,still had the issue of it slapping open at about 30 miles an hour.Scratch my head or what,so I took off my spare belt (8DN-17641)and put it on his SRX,the one he had on was a brand that crossed over to this part #.The secondary did NOT flop open as before,WHY?When you look up belt replacement #'s in aftermarket catalouges they don't jive always,eg.-varieance in year and model applications.I said to him best way is to keep YAMAHA belts on the sled!!! Time will tell if this cured his secondary problem as I checked everything on it that could fail,all is well.Does this sound like a belt issue that could give problems?
Yes I think you found the problem,,,, worn or aftermarket belts can cause that situation.....
