cpr piped viper HELP ???


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I have a 02 viper with simons cpr pipes heavy hiter clutch set up to jeff simons specs... carbs have 162.5 mains 50 pilots air screw 2.5 out and his specs say 4th groove down both washers under... I have the clip all the way down and the mag side plug still looks hot I'm at my wits end with jeff simons he told me the 300 doller clutch would fix my problem but it still looks hot and geting ahold of him for help is like calling the prez.. please help with any sugestions.. I even tried putin washers under the clip... please help radar runs are sunday
do you have a way to post a close up pic of the plug from the mag, and other 2 plugs?

just reading your post, the jetting sounds correct for the mag cylinder, its the hottest running cylinder in a viper, due to the head design. When your talking about the needle, you do mean you have the clip closest to the taper end of the grooves,so it raises the needle up all the way...right?
Ya the clip is all the way down to the taper I even tried to put washers under it I just don't no what to do the electode has a small white ringe around it and the metal strap is greyish...I'll try to put pics but I'm on my phone my pc is down..
maybe you could look here in the tech section and see some pics i have of plugs and let me know which one its closest too.

what gas are you running??, lower octane will burn hotter then high octane will so that will make a differance also.
I'm running 93 that's all I can get out of the pump my center and clutch side look like your trail friendly plug but my mag has more of a greyish white coler.. could octane boost help or hurt...
Plugged pilot. Revisit all the brass parts to confirm they are correct. Something is limiting fuel in just one carb.
it can run hotter if the powervalve was not opening as far as the other 2,but it almost sounds like you have a airleak if its that much differant then the other 2 plugs.

octane boost wont hurt it at all,only help with todays lousy gas quality.

just for ease of mind go thru and adjust the powervalves to all be 2.5mm freeplay,theres a section on how to do that here also.

check the carb boot, use a mirror on stick and see if you have any dry rot cracks under the boot. You might even take a can of carb cleaner or starting fluid and spray around the cylinder in question(mag),sure seems like something is making it leaner.

lastly, when you did the carbs did you remove the little screen and check for debris on it above the needle/seat-float? seems like this year seeing alot of the goop from the ethanol plugging up these screens and hampering fuel flow.
Don't overlook the nozzle numbers. Make sure its the same as the other two. Also confirm the needle size. Dont just take for granted that these parts are correct look at the numbers stamped on the parts.
Well I cleaned my carbs good when I jetted it they wernt dirty but I cleaned them anyway I guess I'll rip the dam thing apart agin and hope to find some crud.. we have the most snow iv seen in years I just wanna ride damit...
ya good point mac..., dont assume its got the right parts in it if you bought the sled 2nd hand, double check numbers on parts. Take the carbs down and take out the filters above the needle/seat, theres a small phillips head screw next to the seat, remove screw then gently grab the outside of the seat with pliers and it will come out of carb, fine micron filter is attached to it, hopefully it has the clear/white gooy stuff on it or other junk.

they(sleds) always act up when the big snow arrives............... :o|
