SRX 700 bog when slowing down


New member
Jan 18, 2011
Manitoba, Canada
Just finnished rebuilding the motor in my 98' SRX 700. Everything works fine except when i slow down. When i slow down from just about any speed it starts to miss and sound odd, dose not backfire. Then once i get to a stop and try to move again, it revs to around 3000 rpm and just misses and sounds weird again, leave it and let it ide for a few seconds, itll rev up fine and have no problems again. Was really bad first ride after rebuild, better next day. Was reving too high at idle, throttle cable was too tight, adjusted it. Working itself out? Drained old gas out and put in 91 octain with mixed oil. Still working through bad gas maybe? possible TORS issue? I cleaned and set power valves too, could they be set wrong? still breaking in motor, havent been much over half throttle yet.
I'm thinking TORS, have same problem with my viper now, seams if I'm on the throttle and let off real quick it does it. TORS is really meant for throttle sticking from Idle up but I believe it also works in this situation. I tried adding a bit of slack to my throttle cable, didn't help. Next time I'm out riding I'm going to bypass TORS to see if it happens. I'm thinking its the carb switch.
Went out riding again tonight, put some slack in the throttle cable and seemed to help, didnt do it all night till the end. Had a friend get on it and and go for a ride, he cracked it wide open for a second or two then let off, and in the distance it backfired and stuterred like crazy, then did the whole not wanting to rev up thing, heard him let it idle for a second, then rode back with no problems. Guna try by-passing the TORS and report back after next ride
Yea exactly how you described it. I had this problem last year, I checked the carb switch as per the manual but it checked out fine. I still think it is the switch however. Was going to try bypassing it this weekend but conditions aren't great here. Try unplugging the tors and plug the harness ( not the carb side) back into eachother, and plug the carb switch leads into eachother. If your problem goes away it should be the carb switch. Be AWARE if your throttle sticks tors will not work.
Went out today and did what u described, hooked the harnes together, rode 10 miles to where i worked and changed the track and put Bender transfer rods on. Rode back to town and on both rides had no problems, was even able to use the brakes and come to a fast stop without it back-fireing. By passing TORS must have worked, Will be able to tell for sure once i get a couple more rides in with it by-passed!
