

New member
Jan 10, 2010
Bangor, Maine
A big shout out to those who take the time to post in the tech section of this site. I've had the good fortune to have a friend who is a factory trained snowmobile mechanic who has done most of the wrenching on my sleds. This year I decided to take a shot at cleaning the carbs myself using the instructions posted in the tech section and it was a breeze. Sled is running great and I'm looking forward to hitting the trails for the first time on the new to me 02 Viper I purchased last year right before we lost all our snow. Happy and safe riding to all the TY members this year.
Hey Nash. Congrads on the new Viper. I picked mine up right before winter and love it! Like you, I've learned a tremendous amount from this site. I check it every single day and learn something. I don't tend to post very often because I don't have the hands-on knowledge that Viper700, Turk, Daman, betheViper, Blue and all the others on here that give their input on a regular basis have. What I will say though is that usually as soon as I post a question I find my answer soon after by searching. Hopefully someday I'll have the experience that all the regulars have and I'll be able to post more often as to what "I" think will be able to help someone out. Until then I'll continue to learn both through this site and trial and error with my sled.
Like Nash said, Thanks to everyone on here who helps everyone else out. We appreciate it!
