So Me and my buddies were out for a ride this past saturday and after a stop for some lunch, i went to go pull start my sled I pulled the handle and the rope pulled out probably a good 4-5 inches or so before there felt there was any tension on the rope. Does this mean its time to look for a new recoil? Thanx, Ryan
Nope. Mine does the same for over a year now.
Use the emrgency rope to start the motor on the clutch side instead of getting towed.
New member
Mine did the samething.When torn apart theres a plastic piece with 2 arms on it.1 arm was broke off.Part cost around 2.00 and it fixed the issue.
Cool thanx for the quick reply guys I appreciat it! and ya I was hoping I wouldnt need to spend a bunch on a new recoil, I will be taking apart this wknd and ordering some parts.