One of the best ads I have seen

He also said that it goes 200 MILES an hour, like legit. Am I really wrong, or is that guy wrong on that. It cant possibly go 200 MPH. Whats top speed for one of those, 120ish?

He said "No, it goes 200 miles an hour, you just need a good flat, long run"

I even asked if he meant KMs, not miles and he said "Nope, I mean Miles, it does 200 MILES an hour!"
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That thing wouldnt hit 200 mph if it fell out of an airplane at 20000 ft!!
wonder if thats one of my buddies sleds, he says he has an F1000 that hit 160mph and he didnt have the throttle to the bar yet...
I believe anything over 65mph on those things, pistons melt and shakes apart,LOL, wouldn't give ya $0.75 for a piece like that.
