srx rough idle and popping..


New member
Mar 1, 2008
ok guys, i have a 99 srx700 and it has always run fine in the past years. this year i serviced it as i always do, ran it once, when i ran it the second time i noticed a popping as i would come on to it as i was coming outta corners and stuff. then i pulled the carbs back off figured i picked up some crap... nothin! so i got it back together started it and took it for a spin when i took off it was ok but it started popping again, and i also noticed at an idle it would sound to be runnin on 2... when you rip on it it runs awesome... any ideas?
Is it a popping sound or a burble out of the exhaust? No expert here but you're going to need to have a little more info for any of these guys to help you. Plug color, Piston wash, Stock or modded, Pilot, needle etc. settings, what RPM is this happening at? Are you're plug caps within spec. New plugs/old plugs? If you can get any of that info. these guys will chime in. There is also a ton of info by doing a search.
it kinda bogs then backfires and rips great... swapped plugs, everything is stock motor-wise, plugs look black, which i know is a rich mixture but it could poss. be cause by an ignition deal or maybe bad needle and seats? its like you give it gas and it bawwww pow braaap!
Look for rub through, then start at plug caps and work your way back.......
Do yourself a favor and start with a compression check..I just went through a whole episode of funny running ,backfiring and whatnot..chased wires til I was blue in the face, changed cdi and stator,went through carbs twice ..ended up with one cylinder with near nothing for compession..Opened it up, the guy who owned it before me redid the topend. One of the circlips let go,wrist pin rubbed the wall..wrecked piston and cylinder..good luck
I had the same problem at the begining of the year, it kind of sounds a little whistly with my pipes. I had brand new plugs but never checked the gap, I was in a hurry to ride.
tried 2 sets of plugs and gaps ok, my compression on all 3 is between 145-150... found a bad needle and seat in 1 carb, wouldnt hold any pressure. replaced it and seems to run better but still has a bogging on the low end, got rid of the rough idle...
