I have 02 viper was running good but last time i started it you could tell it was not running right, it would not rev-up it would just bog when u pushed on the throttle. Also nothing electrical worked, no headlight, taillight or speedometer or anything esle digital.
Have the carbs been cleaned? This will cause it to not "run right" keeping the rpms very low and not letting the CDI turn on on thing electrical.
The other thing is that you may have a wire rubbbed thru either under the engine or ynder the handlebar pad.
Do a search on cleaning carbs and wire rub thru. Lots of good info to read up on.
The other thing is that you may have a wire rubbbed thru either under the engine or ynder the handlebar pad.
Do a search on cleaning carbs and wire rub thru. Lots of good info to read up on.
Carbs are clean was running fine, stoped done some fishing 4hrs later tryed to start it and thats when the problem started
I think is a pilot issue as well...Take them out, inspect, clean and reinstall.
New member
Clean them again before you start thinking about anything else.
I have had the Pilot jets plug before, you could get the sled to run if you had the choke on but not with this problem, plus all the lights and other electrical stuff worked before now nothing electrical works
stator or wire rubbed and ground somewhere
Have you ever replaced a stator? can it be done with out pull the motor?
New member
Tons of info on recent Viper Stator issues. I am in the process of replacing mine (should be here Tuesday).
You do not have to pull the motor.
Pull the exhaust out (not the manifold).
Pull the air box.
Frame connector.
Flywheel, make sure you use the correct puller (do a search)
You do not have to pull the motor.
Pull the exhaust out (not the manifold).
Pull the air box.
Frame connector.
Flywheel, make sure you use the correct puller (do a search)
Thanks Dave,
Why are you replacing yours? And can you test the stator to see if its bad?
Why are you replacing yours? And can you test the stator to see if its bad?
New member
My Viper has 1500 miles and is doing the same thing. it will start up though if I leave it the lights will go on and off the cluster will go off and on. I will take it out then and it will be fine I will have to check these wires out where are they located is it a easy check?