the tree man
New member
My primary blew apart at low speed taking off,maybe 30 to 40 mph and shot out the bellypan,etc.Lost a full half of the outer sheave,weights,tower and cover and the engine was out of balance enough to shake 2 of the pipes off and screw up the donuts and chew my brand new belt to boot.I've replaced the clutch but want to verify the crank snout is OK.When I checked the belt alignment with the new piece there seemed to be a slight wobble at the outer edge of the sheave where the offset tool rests.Not real sure if it was there before,it's very slight.I put the broken clutch back on and it's the same.The crank runout is .005 right at the seal,not on the taper.At the outer edge of the small end of the taper it's .012 but the taper looks a little rough there anyway.I'm pretty sure it's within spec but.......
I think it's out of spec if you see any movement on fixed sheave
New member
was it the fixed sheave moving or the movable sheave?
the tree man
New member
It's the fixed sheave but compared it to a couple other sleds and it's fine.Checked with the local crank rebuild guru and he said the same thing.Cleaned both parts again and eliminated almost all the wiggling.At the outer edge of the fixed sheave there is maybe .010 movement.Put it this way.We just got about 8"-10" of new snow today and I'm going to ride the damn thing.
Active member
I Have To Check The Run Out Spec But I Can Tell Ya The Old Stress Cracks In Your Primary Is What Let Go. To Much Heat Man. 3:16 (yammie Tony)
the tree man said:It's the fixed sheave but compared it to a couple other sleds and it's fine.Checked with the local crank rebuild guru and he said the same thing.Cleaned both parts again and eliminated almost all the wiggling.At the outer edge of the fixed sheave there is maybe .010 movement.Put it this way.We just got about 8"-10" of new snow today and I'm going to ride the damn thing.
My '01 manual says .0012"/.003mm on the ends (PTO and MAG) and .0016"/.004mm inside.
an average one, run out on the end about .005" I had this same prol once and it was a crack in the shev!! came out of a goat trail cracked it and....BOOM thats was the end and it only had .007"
the tree man
New member
Thanks for the replies.Rode the thing all day today in 10" of virgin powder both bush trails and fireguard without a problem.Put that clutch to work,wide open for extended periods on the road and blazing trail with lots of to the bar then dive into a corner and screw it on again.Clutches and belt barely got over 100 degrees at the worst and no vibration so I think it's OK.Between the blowed up clutch that blew out the belly pan and ate a new belt plus 2 exhaust donuts,broken power valves,puked chain case bearings,broken rail from hitting a hidden boulder,handle bars came off when the mounting plate weld broke on the steering post(in the bush yet),bolt behind the secondary for the engine torque arm came loose and got jammed in the secondary and ruined the sheave and I know I've blocked out a bunch of other piddly crap to maintain some sanity.Now I kinda remember why I got out of sleddin awhile back.But the old girl ran great today.

you rode an SRX all day in 10 inches of cold today to ride and my SRX would have sunk in that snow.SRX's not deep snow runners I find at all.When it snows out a SRX stays indoors until some other guys make tracks everywhere for about a week..then I go..
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the tree man
New member
It was bloody cold alright.Temp gunned the ground,warmed up to a balmy -29C at noon.Made a big fire at the truck with some coffee and a little tightener in it.We park and go for about 45 min loops and return to the truck for smokie dogs and a refreshment.You're right,definately not the ideal powder machine.Gotta jam it to the bar and leave it there till you get on plane but as soon as you let off here comes the avalanche over the hood.We alternate the lead guy a bit,like geese,so you can drop in and out of a track if you want.It was a hoot.There wasn't one other sled track anywhere we rode and didn't see another soul.No shortage of snow now.I was praying I wasn't going to have to ask a buddy to tow me back to the truck if I broke down in that soup.

you are a trooper .......power to ya... 

New member
I blew my clutch and the cheap dial indicator I bought says the runout is 0.0035 inch. Will I do damage if I drive it this way? I would like to take it on two more trips and then work on it in the summer. Just as a test I stuck thin feeler gauges totaling 0.045inch in between and the gauge read 0.06 inch so mayby my crank is not as bad as I thought.