Retiring the 2001 SRX


New member
Dec 31, 2008
North Liberty, IA
Its getting close in the season for me to put my 2001 SRX away for good just turn 4000 on it and I want to keep it as collectors sled maybe bring it out for the ice drags through out the years. Wondering If I need to do anything if its going to set longer than 6 months I always drain the fuel clean it really good and spray W-D all over the metal parts and fog the engine. Also what can I use on the hood to get out those nasty marks out where the cover was rubbing at. Its time for a new machine going to be switching over to cats 50th anniversary I wish yamaha still made two strokes im not really hooked on the 4 strokes plus there way over priced. Ive had some awsome times on this sled and won allot drags with it you guys have been allot of help through out the years to make these machines scream keep up you the good work.

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no comment,,,,,,,,,,,yet..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ok Y?..............................................................................................................................................................................................
SnoGasm said:
Its getting close in the season for me to put my 2001 SRX away for good just turn 4000 on it and I want to keep it as collectors sled maybe bring it out for the ice drags through out the years. Wondering If I need to do anything if its going to set longer than 6 months I always drain the fuel clean it really good and spray W-D all over the metal parts and fog the engine. Also what can I use on the hood to get out those nasty marks out where the cover was rubbing at. Its time for a new machine going to be switching over to cats 50th anniversary I wish yamaha still made two strokes im not really hooked on the 4 strokes plus there way over priced. Ive had some awsome times on this sled and won allot drags with it you guys have been allot of help through out the years to make these machines scream keep up you the good work.

If it is going to sit for years at a time I would dump oil directly into the engine making sure a sigificant amount gets to the bottom end. Make sure you turn it over a few times a year to move that oil into the bearings and seals. If you want to run it then just drain the oil and it should be good to go. One thing that is going to take it the worst is the fuel system example carbs, fuel lines, fuel pump and fuel tank.
All of you are taking the post the wrong way ill still want to run it when I get a chance but if I dont what should I do if it sets longer. Plus what can i do to remove the rub marks from the cover.
FOG engine, lube all zerts and coat components with protective film,(penetrating oil) DRAIN gas CLEAN carbs,, store off ground (set on blocks),,,cover up... Should be set to rip when you are ready.......... Don't touch till your ready to run it......... Oops wax and buff lightly.........
remove clutch springs, loosen the track as much as possible, take handle bar pad off (mice prevention, ask bluemonster1, lol), cover exhaust outlet with aluminum foil (mouse deterrent)...
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WNYViper said:
remove clutch springs, loosen the track as much as possible, take handle bar pad off (mice prevention), cover exhaust outlet with aluminum foil (mouse deterrent)...
Get some traps and I'll send some cheese.............. :WayCool:
Mother's brand. An autobody man told me if you wet your finger with a little spit, and wipe across the scratch and the scratch disappears until the spit is dry, you can buff it out. If it does not disappear your gonna need new paint. Good luck.
