chaincase bottom gear is stuck?


New member
Feb 17, 2010

got a problem, when I changed my track I took the chaincase out and then when I put it all together again it was hard to get it in reverse, when i finally got it in reverse and backed out of the garage i couldnt get it out :s so opened chaincase again and was going to take all the gears out, the bottom gear is stuck, cant get it out. how can it be stuck when sitting on a splined axle?


indeed it is, my thought now is if it has gone to the end of the slines where they "shallow out" or how i should say, so the sprocket got stuck? because the track is a little more to the right than the left. no one else had the same problem?
you have a spacer for top and bottom sprocket ..not the same thickness make sure to but at the right spot..and a spacer outside on the shaft to seal the chaincase
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got it sorted out, it was like I suspected the splined part you on the drive shaft which the inner sprocket sits on had got stuck on the axle, so a puller did the job and for some reason i had put the chamfered spacer that sits between the bearing and sprocket on the bolt between the spring an outer sprocket? :s no idea why but that was the problem. easy fix and now it works like a charm again.
