Yamaha snowmobile demo day 2011

I tested an XTX a few years back in Munising and it was awesome...

Good luck and post back your toughts...

They have one in Duluth, MN this weekend!! Man I want to go but this weekend is completely booked up.
Yea I live in Duluth and used to ride the north shore to island lake alot when I was younger. I can't wait. I'm really excited to finally be able to ride a new sled ;)

Does anyone know what the mileage is on the apex and nytros?
Got a invite from my local dealer for an all day demo ride last week. Yamaha supplied us with 8 sled and only 6 riders, to bad !! I got to ride everything 3 times. I'm a viper rider and old srx owner so I was sure I would be drawn to the new apex, wrong. My favourite sled was the nitro xtx. For my style of riding aggressive bump riding it just felt perfect ! The next fav was the long track apex. Sure the nitro doesn't have the power of the apex but it's still strong, enjoy !
It's really gonna be between a nytro and a etec 600 for next year. Hopefully this will make the decision for me
