SRX Carb vents dumping gas


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2003
South Lyon, Michigan
My 2000 SRX is dumping fuel out of the carb vents. My search and guessing is that I have 1 or more floats sticking. Am I starting at the right place?
dnale said:
Should the float needles have a cut "ring" on the rubber? Almost looks like a 2 piece rubber. Its tough doing this via mobile.

I think you found it ;>)

The o-ring seals the fuel inlet bore I.D to the brass seat O.D. so if its cut, fuel can bypass the needle/seat and straight to the bowl.

Curious, how did the screens look?

BTW o.t. - pulling up jumbos last weekend at Cotton rd. in 3-1/2' if you could stand the cold. Didn't see any sittin' on buckets...bbbrrrrr!

Heading out later today
Well the dealer in Traverse City had them. He told 38 bucks each and I told him to check the price again as the Yamaha list is 15.95. He checked again and told me I was right and they had it entered in wrong. We were headed over there and he stayed a couple minutes after closing for me. So props to Jamie at Fox Yamaha.

Sno I was out at Ginos last sunday and no luck on the jumbos.
Of course now I've got at least one stripped screw head that holds the assembly in place. Sonofa! Any suggestions with few limited hand tools?
dnale said:
Well the dealer in Traverse City had them. He told 38 bucks each and I told him to check the price again as the Yamaha list is 15.95. He checked again and told me I was right and they had it entered in wrong. We were headed over there and he stayed a couple minutes after closing for me. So props to Jamie at Fox Yamaha.

Sno I was out at Ginos last sunday and no luck on the jumbos.

Hmmm, numerous posts here have stated $38.00 (seemed rediculous to me). Where did you get the $15.95? Is it just a simple matter of asking the guy to double check the price?

I guess I mis-read your post too (although you did say needle - doh) was it the o-ring that looked cut or the needle tip?

o.t. from what I've heard, it seems the north end here has been a bit better than south around the Clinton/metro. Good reports from Fairhaven too. The past few years it's been the opposite.

Never made it out last night but heading out in an hour.
dnale said:
Thanks. On the way to dealer so we can have them tell me they don't stock it.

this is a classic.. :)

as far as the 38 bucks first quoted for the needles, dealers use the same fiche we do... there was no error on entry for the price... some dealers are pieces of work...

as for the the stripped bowl screw, a good set of vice grips will get it out with some effort.... tj
