Has anyone tried a comet clutch on a SRX
I need a primary bad
I need a primary bad
Active member
I would buy a used YXR. They work too good to mess with the Comet. I used to run Comets on my older Exciter L/C twin 569cc's. Ever since Yamaha got the YXR right in 1995 they have been really good. What happened to yours?
I have seen lots of used YXR clutches on here as part outs. I picked up a used set of clutches from Viperking last year for around $225. I haven't even used them yet. He and Betheviper have sold alot of that stuff on here in the classifieds.
I have seen lots of used YXR clutches on here as part outs. I picked up a used set of clutches from Viperking last year for around $225. I haven't even used them yet. He and Betheviper have sold alot of that stuff on here in the classifieds.
My surfaces are worn
Too bad to be resurfaced
I guess I will keep looking
Too bad to be resurfaced
I guess I will keep looking
Active member
check ebay too. I have seen them on there from time to time. I don't want to sell my spares being I already have 8100 on my Viper and I may need them down the road. They only have 1000 miles on them (primary and secondary) off a parted out Viper.
I could sell you the surfaces off my old clutch once i pull it, which should be this week.
I have had a couple of members message me
I will let you know
I will let you know
check Kijiji in your area, there are a couple of guys parting out vmaxes and i seen a clutch from a vector on there, if it's still for sale. i wouldn't use a comet clutch, had a bad experience with one back a few years ago, almost lost my right toe becasue it grenanded. Royal Distributing backed me up and Comet sent me the money to repair my sled and gave me a new clutch. i turned around and sold it after i repaired it with used parts.
i would check the Port Yamaha site or other US sites the parts in the USA are half price, you're better off getting a new oem if you can swing it.
good luck
you could contact "total recreations" tel 1-866-680-8316, they might have something used there for you.
i would check the Port Yamaha site or other US sites the parts in the USA are half price, you're better off getting a new oem if you can swing it.
good luck

you could contact "total recreations" tel 1-866-680-8316, they might have something used there for you.
sgauthier said:snip - had a bad experience with one back a few years ago, almost lost my right toe becasue it grenanded. snip
Maybe I'm making an assumption, and I also assume you have more than one on each foot, but were you sitting on it backwards?
Sorry, couldn't resist. ;>)
OOPPS your right it was my other right foot ,the left one, daahhhh
need more coffee

need more coffee
New member
I live out of town near Ottawa.... and got a comet clutch ive been trying to sell...
It has less then 100km's on it.... I paid 550 for it new... and have it up for sale for $350 firm... its brand spanking new more or less..
My 2000 srx engine grenaded while I was doing WOT tests to get my RPMS tuned in on it if im right they where still abit low i think it was climbing to 8000-8200... my 01 srx already has a heel clicker clutch kit so dont need the comet anymore...
Heres my add... email me or pm me if your interested!
It has less then 100km's on it.... I paid 550 for it new... and have it up for sale for $350 firm... its brand spanking new more or less..
My 2000 srx engine grenaded while I was doing WOT tests to get my RPMS tuned in on it if im right they where still abit low i think it was climbing to 8000-8200... my 01 srx already has a heel clicker clutch kit so dont need the comet anymore...
Heres my add... email me or pm me if your interested!