84 Excel III 340 Questions


New member
Jan 29, 2011
Gardiner, Maine
I got a free 1984 Excel III 340 that had seized engine and carb from sitting and chipmunk living in airbox.
I completely took the sled and engine apart and rebuilt it.
I am nearly done and have a couple of issues left.
I am not getting spark.
I put a tester on the wires leading to the ignition coil and it it shows 1.3 volts DC when I pull the cord. This is power into ignition coil - there is nothing coming out.
Is that enough voltage going into ignition coil? Or do I have a generator issue?
If that is enough voltage, then I assume I need a new ignition coil.
I got it. It was the kill switch. I just cut the wires and spliced them until I can get a replacement kill switch. Works good - 120 psi in each cylinder.

Anyone know of a good manual for this machine. Would love to have one with a decent wiring diagram.
