Viper Idle All Over The Place! Carbs Clean!!!


New member
Nov 16, 2006
Hello guys I have been on the four stroke side since i bought my rx1 but i am glad to say i kept the viper too attached to let it go. any way i went to take it for a ride and the idle was all over the place it mostly would stall out but alot of the time it would hang up around 3000 rpm after trail riding and coming to a stop. since the winter storage i cleaned the carbs changed the plugs after the ride i thought i had a pluged piolt jet so i pulled the carbs and cleaned them again. sled is still acting up. any suggestions would be appreciated!

could a dirty power valve cause this?

thanks jdp
Adjust TORS, like Maine said, or disconnect by jumping out,,mine has been jumped out for years.
Throttle cable to tight ? Choke cable ?
I run my pilots at 2.25
staggs65 said:
doesnt sound like tors to me. if i'm understanding u right. how many turns r u on ur idle mixtures. check for air leaks.

X2 - idle hangs and idle stalls are usually due to opposite causes.

Did you also drain any stored fuel from the tank? If not this might explain a plugging of a pilot after carb cleaning but usually not an idle hang. I'd expect floating contamination (white/brown goo) to cause many types of intermittent idle, cruise and WOT symptoms.
thanks guys the screws are at 2 turns out i had them 1 7/8 last year and did the same this season but after my second cleaning i went to 2 turns out. I forgot to mention that the sled is running like it has always after engagment its just the idle wont sit and it hangs after coming to a stop in the trails. i tried bliping the choke but it didnt really do anything.

Thanks jdp
When it does come down what is the idle set at? To high of idle set will cause the sled to hang as well. I had my carbs clean, no air leaks, new plugs 2 turns out on the screws and still had idle hang. Found out that my idle was set too high. Adjusted it to 1400 rpm and that fixed my problem.
I had it set at 1600- but i will try to lower it to 1400 it will idle rough at that rpm wont it? thanks jdp
Idle hang stinks!

I've been having a similiar issue with my viper. When I come to a stop on the trail the sled will hang at 4000rpm for about 20 to 30 seconds then come down to idle. It will also come down to idle if I blip the choke or give the throttle a quick hit. I did a quick check for air leaks around the carb boots and exhaust manifold and found nothing. Should I use starting fluid and spray around these areas to see if it affects the idle? Little confused. I also have boysen reeds in the sled so idk if that effects it. I put them in last year.
My idle will also hang up at times around 3000 rpm and if I hit the half choke, the rpm will come back down to idle. I'm also interested to see if anyone has any input into this matter.
This must be a popular topic? I had my sled out this weekend for the first time and I had the same problem. I did clean my carbs earlier and will have to go back in and see what the screws are set at. I changed my belt as well and that did not do anything. Mine seemed to also run at a high rpm while riding (hence the belt change). It would sit at 3000-4000 rpm for about 10 sec at a stop before coming back down to my set idle speed at 1800. I was looking at the manual it it does say the idle should be 1800rpm. I was thinking maybe the clutch was having some issues?
I had this problem this year as well, my fix was to adjust the throttle cable so that there is more lenght in the cable, also I did not have the cable behind the small d shaped open ring at the top of the steering post. Once I did this all is good.

Like captnviper sais, if the idle hangs it is most likely caused by a lean idle-condition.

But if the idle hangs and your sled is all acting up not responding to throttle etc. then I would suggest to leave the sled running at idle while spraying start gas (or some sort of spray with gas in) around both of the crank seals, also spray around intake boots and carbs.

If the idle changes while spraying, you have a leak.
New Idea I Do Hae A 2 Inch Riser Im Going To Check Throttle Cable Free Play.
my viper also does that , it will sit at 4k for about 15sec and then down to idle i also put in v force 3 reeds in this year i also have risors but there is no slack in the cable any sugestions , anything would help
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update on my a chance to work on her today. Found my problems...fuel screw was almost 3 turns out and the throttle cable was a little bit too tight. Thanks guys!
One more question for you guys at what temp does jetting need to be adressed. (air temp) also when do you guys run the carb heaters?
