How to prime oil pump?


New member
Jan 13, 2009
utica ny
hey guys, did some searching on here and couldnt come up with a procedure on how to prime the oil pump on my 98 srx 600. My reason for needing to prime the oil pump is that I just replaced the feed line from the tank to the oil pump and the two line from the oil pump to the fuel pump along with all the fuel lines. mine were brittle and looked like they were starting to dry rot/ crack and I wanted to be on the safe side.

Should I just syphon out all the gas in the fuel tank and put a gallon of premix in it or is there a way to prime the oil pump/ bleed the air out of the lines? I do see a hose that runs from the oil pump up by the clutch side cylinder that has a screw with a lock nut at the end of the hose, my guess is that is where I would bleed it but I dont know the proper procedure on doing it. any help would be great. and thanks in advance.
cool thanks for the help guys, im still waiting for my needle and seats to come in the mail so im trying to take care off all the little things the sled needs so it can be ready to go.
