Viper bogging and terrible mileage

Jesse Peterson

New member
Jan 5, 2011
I'm hoping this just might be bad spark plugs but haven't put new ones in yet, but my sled just loses power on and off and it won't go over 7700 rpm and also getting about 5 mpg and I usually get at least 10.
Start with plugs. Then check reeds for broken petals. After that look for exposed wires. My Dad's Viper Venture had these symptoms and it was the reeds. If they need to be replaced, get OEM.
Jesse Peterson said:
I'm hoping this just might be bad spark plugs but haven't put new ones in yet, but my sled just loses power on and off and it won't go over 7700 rpm and also getting about 5 mpg and I usually get at least 10.

Whenever I start losing topend RPM's, it is usually due to a pulled through powervalve. Unbolt them at the four allen heads that attach to the jug and look at the wire attachments to the valves.
Ok I put new plugs in and its still doing it and i check the power valves and cleaned them up, but I notice one of the pistons looked kinda wet and oily on the top and the others were dry, maybe this piston isn't firing all the time or not hot enough? Could this be one of the ignition things that the spark plug is connected to, not quite sure what they are called. I have had electrical issue, I recently put a new stator in, probably has something to do with me sinking it in water a couple years ago
Jesse Peterson said:
Could this be one of the ignition things that the spark plug is connected to, not quite sure what they are called.

Sounds like a sparkplug cap. Check it with an ohm meter . Should read 5k ohms.They unscrew frum the sparkplug wire.
I've had a similar issue with my srx, main jet loosened up and fell into carb bowl. Would loose power between 1/2 full throttle. I would still check plugs caps first.
