srx dead AGAIN


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Poconos, Pa
Ok Just got my 01 SRX back from the shop since I had no spark. I am not handy with sleds. New CDI box, had front axle and bearings replaced along with a speedo cable. took it for approx. 1/4 mile down the lake and lost all power again no spark again what the hell is wrong with this thing. 1 year ago I replaced that stator. Are there any yamaha mechanics in the poconos of Pa on this site that do this stuff on the side.
Pull the kill switch up,,< turn the key back on>> or take it back and say what the hell is wrong with this thing..................good luck..........
blaize02 said:
Ok Just got my 01 SRX back from the shop since I had no spark. I am not handy with sleds. New CDI box, had front axle and bearings replaced along with a speedo cable. took it for approx. 1/4 mile down the lake and lost all power again no spark again what the hell is wrong with this thing. 1 year ago I replaced that stator. Are there any yamaha mechanics in the poconos of Pa on this site that do this stuff on the side.

I'd be surprised a Yamaha dealer wouldn't know about the harness chaffe issue under the engine (well, maybe I wouldn't) but your issue sounds classic rub-through to me.

Maybe I'm missing something (you didn't mention if they "fixed" the harness) but if they were the ones who put the stator in last year I'd be at thier door looking for a refund of the kill switch and take it elsewhere.
there was nothing done with the wire harness at the dealer either time. I did mention that to them though they said they do not have those problems. can I check this out and if so which side would I look.
blaize02 said:
I did mention that to them though they said they do not have those problems. can I check this out and if so which side would I look.
Thats B.S and i'd be looking for a new dealer it's common knowledge on the SRX,, tell your "dealer".... to log on and educate them selfs on this problem.

do a search on harness rub through,lots of posts.
blaize02 said:
there was nothing done with the wire harness at the dealer either time. I did mention that to them though they said they do not have those problems. can I check this out and if so which side would I look.

Well, maybe they don't see the volume of high mileage/high time in service vehicles TY sees but they'd have to see a few given the harness issues go across multiple vehicle types (SRX/Viper).

Anyhow, do a search on rub-throughs or look up top at FAQ. The harness needs to come out for repair and I've read you can get it out without pulling other things off like the pipes and muffler using string to fish it back. I repaired my while the pipes were off which makes it easy.

Be sure to make a sealed joint using solder and quality double wall shrink tube and protect it with split convolute.
