simmons jetting help..??


New member
Jan 20, 2011
On my viper I have simons cpr triple pipes runnin 162.5 mains 50 pj and the clip all the way down on mag and center and on 4th with washers under on the pto.... my problem is if I'm just cruzin around 5000 rpms it gurgles anything above that it cleans up and f in rips. My screws are set at 2.25 turns and plugs are wet at idel simons specs are 2.50 iv about had it with takin of my carbs but with the 50 pilots how much should I turn them in befor I'm to lean... please help before I put it on the train tracks...
pto center 4th clip with one washer top one washer below. Mag 4th clip both washers below. His spec is also PTO Center 160, mag 162 with 2 3/4 turns on the pilots.
I no his specs he sold me the jets 162.5mains 50pilots 2.5 turns on the air screw that's his instructions plugs are wet at low speeds and idle
Yes air box is stock I'm workin on it now I tried leanin the screws I tried a few positions rite now I'm at 2.25 idels fine but 4 to 6000rpms its gurgiln then it cleans up... plugs are wet at idel but it seems like if I lean it out the gurgle gets worse... should I fatin up a bit... simons specs are 2.50 turns seems like alot
Well I got them at 2.5 and. Its pig ritch but if I screw them in the gurgle dosnt go away wtf...
