An OK way to bypass the oilpump


New member
Jan 16, 2005
Hi guys!

My viper uses way to little oil, I adjusted the gap to 17mm but still uses little.

I dunno exactly when this started but my engine did burn down last season (center cylinder), however I had just rebuilt the waterpump and I may have had some air in the system cause I wasnt aware of the bleeding screw on the tunnel (felt like a total idiot yes). After putting the engine back in I bled the pump properly, letting the engine run wilst pulling the oilcable adjuster to fully open the pump while I loosened the bleed screw.

So I dont have air in the system, today I checked the valve that prevents fuel from leaking into the oilpump/engine (the valve sits on the oil hose that goes from the oilpump to fuelpump). The valve was OK.

Thing is, it is using some oil but at the same time too little.

A month ago I bought a 2011 MTX 162" so I am now selling the Viper.

I just installed a new track and slides, changed all chain/driveshaft/jackshaft bearings so the sled is in good condition, but I dont want to tell the new owner "keep an eye on the oil consumption", that wount be good.

I know that the pump lubricates the crank bearings, but my plan/question is:

What if I cut the hose that goes from the oiltank to the oilpump and install a " T " pipe, I then connect the hose that normally goes from the oilpump to the fuelpump, to the " T " so the oil will "recycle" . And ofcourse seal the connection-pin on the fuelpump.

Now I will have the same crankbearing lubrication as before (might be lower then it should be since it did use little oil from before), but if I now run 2% premix the bearings should get some lubrication from that too.
When thinking of the brp powertec engine that doesnt have a single oil channel to any of the bearings, I think it should be fine. (know about the isoflex grease tho, but still).

Any opinions?


this is just my opinion, im no snowmobile expert but i have ridden and raced two strokes a good part of my life and i personally would not mess with that, especially when selling it...
you can un-hook the cable and just pre-mix the gas but you could try changing the fuel pump, not sure if the viper fuel pumps mix the oil like on my srx
I dont think you understood what I wrote.

The way I am running it now it should be (maybe) even safer then stock cause my crankbearings will get oil from the oilpump and the fuel entering the cylinders will get oil from the premix.

However I dont know how much oil is being pumped into the bearings and some of this oil will mix with the gas inside the crankcase which basically means that it sometimes maybe will smoke a little but that wount cause a burndown.
only the two crank brg's on either side of the gear case are directly lubed from the oil pump the rest get there oil from the fuel/oil mixture.
Thanks 9801, this makes me even more convinced that this will work!

If not I`ll take one for the team! =P
