how can i drop my rpm from 9000 to 8500


New member
Feb 19, 2010
chateauguay qc
got a stock viper whit tork limiter clutch is brand new, all the spring are new, secondary spring is at 3 3 like in the shop manual. but still hit or almost hit the 9000. what should i do? when i change my spring i remark that it wat at 3-0 and it seems like it was reving a bit less but still on hard pack snow, it would hit 9000
i was having the same issue's but mine was due to the air box, it was sucking to much air , i had previously removed some of the air box. not the most expirenced just an issue that i had if you havnt moded the air box in anyway i would follow the advice above
I just rebuit my 02 Viper top to bottom, including clutches, 5400 miles,
I had the same problem. I replaced the rivets in the weight tips with 4.5 gram rivets and added a small washer to each side of the rivet. Then I put a green spring in the seconday at 60 degree twist. I also sanded my clutches with 350 grit and cleaned with brake cleaner. I also sanded a brand new belt the same way. Now the rpms never rev over 8500 and pulls at 8400-8450 all the time and goes like crazy. I am all stock except v force 3 reeds, and 1.25" predator track. my 2 cents.
jd 04viper said:
i was having the same issue's but mine was due to the air box, it was sucking to much air , i had previously removed some of the air box. not the most expirenced just an issue that i had if you havnt moded the air box in anyway i would follow the advice above

The reason this happened is because you added more air to you air/fuel mixture, which leaned out your jetting and created more horsepower. More horse power = easier for it to spin the weight in your primary. Have to be careful doing this, could create enough of a lean issue to burn down.

Yamahadanik, everyone is spot on. You need to pull the primary and then add heavier rivets to the tip of the weights.
One easy way to get til rpm down.
Buy 8BU-00 waits och dril out the inner rivet.he rpm lands on 8500 och acc as hell=)
Up to 100km/h the rx1 apex dos not have a chans against my Viper MTN -04
Sorry for my bad english=)
