Rob VanSydenborgh
New member
Is there any special coolant I need to top up my 02 viper, or do I just use standard 50/50 mix like a car would use?
Thanks, Rob
Thanks, Rob

60/40 is recomended
X2...bluemonster1 said:60/40 is recomended
Rob VanSydenborgh
New member
Thanks guys. My viper was down 1.5" in the resevoir. Not sure why. I'll have to monitor I guess.
Rob VanSydenborgh
New member
Went out again on sat for 250 kms or so. Coolant down 1/2" in the resovoir after I topped it up. Where could it be going?
New member
Head gasket? has any recent work been done there? pressurize cyl with compressed air and with rad cap off look for bubbles.
see any signs of leakage?
see any signs of leakage?
Rob VanSydenborgh
New member
Haven't had any work done to it recently. What kind of tool do I use to presssurize the system?
Rob VanSydenborgh said:Haven't had any work done to it recently. What kind of tool do I use to presssurize the system?
Use the adaptor used for a compression tester, apply shop air AFTER you bring the piston to Top Dead Center. The engine may want to rotate if you don't have it at TDC so be careful you don't have your hand or other important body part resting on the primary.
My leakage tester has a fancy whistle that tells when I'm at TDC but a screw driver placed on top of the piston will show you when you are at TDC while slowly rotating the crankshaft.
Unless your compression tester is one piece... in that case cobble something that'll plug into the spark plug hole on one end and the other end plug into your shop air hose.
Finding something that'll fit the plug hole might be a chore so if I had a one piece tester I'd cut the hose and use a couple shop air quick connects so I could pressurize the combustion chamber and also use the compression tester gauge. Add a regulator, a couple gauges, some plumbing and you've made a leakage tester too.
Rob VanSydenborgh
New member
I'll see what I can put together.
Rob VanSydenborgh
New member
Found my coolant leak I think. Some coolant hanging around under motor by motor mounts. Haven't located source yet, but hopefully its just a hose clamp or something minor...