Anyone test speed dif (speed track vs stock)


New member
Aug 25, 2010
1000 ft wise? Im needing a new track for my srx. i got stock now for racing only 500-1000ft. doesn't seem to hook up as well as i want it to. expecially when i see the rear end of my compatition in 500ft....... I know i need chisels and speed track... But anyone find a difference in a thousand foot radar run when they changed from stock to speed?
definalty lighter, but dont plan on winning too many drags on snow with one. my (ice) improver stays in the trailer for the snow drags, no sense wasting too much time and money with all the tall lug sleds out there. but on ice it will help for sure, try 144 chisels for starters.
I can tell you that in a roughly 165 hp setup, we were running 123 in 2000' on ice with a Camoplast 9791 trail track and 96 1" woodys gold diggers. We then slapped on a Camoplast 9811 speed track, with 96 ice pics, and gained and average of 5.2 mph in the same distance, on the same day, pulling too much overdrive.
valin said:
I can tell you that in a roughly 165 hp setup, we were running 123 in 2000' on ice with a Camoplast 9791 trail track and 96 1" woodys gold diggers. We then slapped on a Camoplast 9811 speed track, with 96 ice pics, and gained and average of 5.2 mph in the same distance, on the same day, pulling too much overdrive.
thats what i like to hear!!
what do you mean by pulling to much over d rive i find everythign interesting an hot at every opportunity to learn somethign when i grow out of ditch bangin i wanna set up for radar runs
What I meant by pulling too much overdrive is that I didn't gear it up for the additional speed I was pulling, therefore, I was running my clutches quite a bit past a 1:1 ratio, which loses efficiency. I like to gear for 5% overdrive for radar runs. It was just a fun day of testing to see the difference, not an event, so I didn't bother to gear it that day.
