Sta-Bil and Octane Booster?


New member
Dec 26, 2006
St.Clements Ont.
Ok so i have been running sta-bil marine in my viper and srx too keep gas nice and fresh all the time. My DCS has been flickering on my srx and I am wondering if I add some Lucas octane booster to my fuel along with the sta-bil if things will be ok? Im haven't had a carb issue in three years on both machines running the stabil with every tank full so its sorta stuck in my head that i need to keep using it. I also assume that if DCS is coming on my SRX that if I had a DCS light on my Viper it would be coming on too. I run the 94 octane stuff they sell around here which is 10% ethanol and i think the 94 octane coming out of the pump is not really 94. So is it ok to run octane booster and stabil in my gas?
Well I'm not sure about the octane booster but I run Star Tron fuel stabilzer in my SRX and it runs great, it gets rid of the moisture that ethanol attracts. I'm never ran octane booster and I've never had any problems with it. Although last year I didn't run anything like Star Tron and I had no problems but it certainly doesn't hurt it.

Sorry if this didn't help but I don't have much knowledge of fuel and the flashing lights.
Really not trying to be a prick... BUT!!! where do you think it puts the water... " it gets rid of the moisture that ethanol attracts" I want to know. I think it is all just mirrors and smoke. Doug
