03 Viper Hand Warmers HELP.


Argentino Loco
Aug 18, 2005
Mound, Minnesota
I change them and change the knob. Still not working...

Where do I go next...?

How do I check whats faulty and whats working ...?

My Thumb does works pretty good...


Handwarmers are controlled by the CDI.Put an ohm meter on the yellow/red handwarmer lead and start the sled. Rev past 5000 rpm and watch for voltage. It should have about 3-5 volts at idle and go to 13 volts at rpms over 4500.
stein700sx said:
Handwarmers are controlled by the CDI.Put an ohm meter on the yellow/red handwarmer lead and start the sled. Rev past 5000 rpm and watch for voltage. It should have about 3-5 volts at idle and go to 13 volts at rpms over 4500.

Most multimeters are protected so having the meter set to read resistance won't hurt anything, but you'd want to have the meter set to read voltage not ohms. DC I believe.
Sorry guys, I am a dummie when it comes this...Where do I hook it ? bare wire or...? unplug the warmers and hook them on the yellow red that is coming up....

Sorry for the silly questions...No search was found..


Here's a link to a warmer mod I did on my Viper. There are pics of Viper grips and how I hooked the ohm meter to them. On your sled you want to hook the red lead of the ohm meter to the yellow/red wire on the sled and the black lead of the ohm meter to the black wire on the sled. The grips are wired in series which means the yellow/red goes to left grip wire A and wire B of the left grip goes to wire A of the right grip and wire B of the right grip goes to the black wire on the sled. In short, unplug the yellow/red and the black wires under the pad and connect the ohm meter in between the two.
If you get 0 volts then try taking the black lead of the ohm meter and go straight to chassis ground. If this gives you a voltage then you have a bad ground from the grips to the CDI. If there is still no reading on the ohm meter then either a broken wire from the CDI to the grips,a bad rheostat or the CDI is bad. To check the rheostat (dail to turn the grips warmer or colder) again unplug the rheostat and insert each lead of the ohm meter into the plug and select ohms setting. Turn the nob back and forth. The ohms reading should go up and down as you turn the dail up and down.
Hope this helps
