is it true. pilot??


New member
Jan 20, 2011
My clutch engages alittle over 4grand my ?? Is when am I off my pilot I read its somewer around 5mph is that true.
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Pilot is running the whole time and is being used through out the range of idle to wot,,,,, it feeds the other two circuits whether its needed or not......... (idle-Pilot,needle, main--- same for mid-range and wot----- just more of one than the other.........)
Sorry guys iv ben plowin for 22hrs I'm shot I no the pilot is alway in play my problem is it sputters around 5grand or so then cleans up I can't fix it with the screws I'm just tryin to figure out when my needls are in play...
If you haven't inspect and clean your carbs,,,,,, fresh gas, plugs and check caps>>>>>>>.......also confirm power valves are in clean and set......
Ben ther done that 2times all jets are new carbs are spotless with fresh gas
Don't run it at 5000 grand----- vary throttle ,,--- no two stroke likes to run a 5G ,,,,,,, have to learn where your sled runs smooth and fine to your ear<<< dont let it burp to long or you'll burn-er up .......... flex the thumb.........(talk to it,,,,,,, and listen)
Sorry for the ?????????? marks, I just could not figure out what a piolt was. lol I clean our carbs every year and also run Sta bil marine formula at every fuel stop. The VIper runs interceptor oil and the rest run Yamalube. Completely stock jetting, with Turks clutching. These baby's run smooth. Heck we even run with the carb heaters on 100%. Al
5 grand would be into the needles. If its bad enough to bug you you might want to raise them (the clips) a half and see if it cleans up. Up to you to watch the plugs and wash though.
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If you raise the needle you are essentually "richening" mixture. Lowering the needle leans the mixture. Try stock positions, that is where ours runs great at. I also run with the carb heats on 100%. Al
On a 2003 Viper stock mains are 156.3 and pilots are 45. Needles set to 3.0 or on 3rd notch with both plastic washers under. I suggest 3.5 though as Viper has a known low speed issue with head heat and detonation. How does your sled compare to these setting?
Has your sled been sitting outside where it cannot be thawed out? You may be experiencing what I did just last weekend. The air screws get frosted up and messes up you low speed jetting causing the sputter......once you hit midrange and above it cleans right up. Mine did it worse than it ever does this past weekend. I have learned over time that snow dust is a real enemy with a Viper because of the cold air induction system. Whenever I encounter it I need to run my carb heat right away or it's plug fouling and low end sputter time until I get it thawed out. The worst part is when the air screws get plugged your gas mileage goes to heck too.
