Deep snow question


New member
Nov 16, 2010
Took my '03 viper out yesterday after our big snow fall yesterday and while breaking through the powder on the trails for a while it started to miss and only run on two for a while.
Stopped at a restaurant for an hour and when I fired it up it started fine and ran like a champ
Whats the likely culprit ?
Yea... It's powder bog. Snow hits the pipe and turns into steam. The steam chokes the engine. Common on trail sled. Prefilters work but can get iced and blocked pretty easy. Best option is to route the intake to behind the windshield and keep that front end up in powder.
stein700sx said:
Carbs freezing up? Try turning on the carb heater when playing in the powder or get some prefilters to keep the snow out of the engine bay.
Turning on Carb heater ?
gf7duster said:
Turning on Carb heater ?

Yup keep the carb heater on in the powder. Had mine on all day in our fresh foot of snow. It is on the cylinder head on the PTO side (clutch). It is a triangle shaped knob with a on off selector. It turns very hard so dont worry about that, i use a pair of channel locks to turn it. It circulates coolant around the carbs to keep them warm so the powder or cold temps dont cause a freeze up. Do a search, tons of info . Chris
Pull the spark plug on the mag side cylinder. Shine light down in the hole and make sure piston dome shows some wash (compare to pto side) Viper has a known head design that will burn you down if not careful (See Bender Opticool gasket)

Not that it happened to you, but dropping one cylinder out and in can also be start of piston burn down.
After I stopped and took off again it ran like a champ
Dont think there is any damage but I guess you mite not feel it
Dont want to know
super1c said:
Not my sled found pic online. Its the knob above the PTO spark plug on the head. PTO is clutch side

Oh man... that things needs to be dragged outside and shot...
Your exhaust could have been getting clogged with snow in the muffler also... Time to time mine will sputter until I get in a snowtrack or throw it on it's side also
mine was doing the same and it was from powder getting thru the hood and getting on the plug boots ....i just took the old duck tape and made a duck tape cover to keep snow off the boots and no more problems ...also i sprayed inside and out real good with wd 40 give it a try and see if that helps
I adjusted transfer for more ski lift and havnt bogged yet this year, if I am in deep stuff I will pop the hood occasionally and shake out the airbox filter if theres any snow on her.
