sx viper Dim lights -elc. problems - solution


New member
Jan 21, 2011
Osweg0 IL
I've read on here the last couple weeks of all kinds of people having pretty much the same problem I have had with my viper. Pretty aggravating. Dim lights, no heat on grips, dash resetting when I hit the brake. tested resistance on the stator and all checked good. after going through every thing and coming up empty I followed what many have posted on here.I put in a new stator.It took me and a friend about an hour and a half and it was a beautiful thing all problems solved. Thanks to you who posted the solution
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Viper 125 said:
How do you test the stator? I have no lights at all!

This is right from repair manual. Disco AC mag couplers, connect pocket tester to mag, measure stator coil/pickup coil, pickup resistance should be 189~231 ohms W/G wire = neg W/R =pos stator three white wires middle wire =pos other two =neg resistance should be 0.36 ~ 0.44 ohms set tester on lowest ohms setting some testers resistance will start at 0.4 you can also check volts coming out. like I said checked mine and resistance was fine low volts on one. from my understanding low volts to cdi will cause the problems. check out the forms here theres alot of info on it
