98' SRX stator specs (ohm readings)


Jun 21, 2003
Rochester, NY
I am going to check my friends SRX out tonight. I don't know if he has the service manual. If he does not, I need to know what color wire -2- wire and what the ohm's reading should be and at what temp. The sled will be in heated garage and should be around 60*F. I am guessing there will be 4 wires on the stator connector. I am guessing 250 Ohms +/- 20% based on temps kind of thing. Thanks, Doug
Thanks, I'll be checking tonight. I did not find any visible signs last night. One thing is for sure, there is no spark at all. messed with the key, moved wires around. looked for chaffing, nothing. Any idea if the stator can be removed with the motor still in the sled. I really don't want to have to pull his motor for him. It looks like I can pull the top cross-member and remove the recoil, and then get a puller on there. I can only do this if there is enough room in the belly pan to get the puller in there.
i am no electrical expert, but the brown to blk/red is on the output side for lighting and misc other electrical requirements, shouldnt affect spark, or possibly it could. usually the white/green-white/red affects the spark.

things that can affect spark would be the throttle switch, carb switch, and the key or kill switch.

i have changed the stators with the engine in the sled. your correct, the crossbar removes to gain access and the workspace is tight, but it can be done. on the flipside, its almost easier to pull th motor, short of catching or replacing coolant, the task becomes alot easier.
ironic I need to check a 98 SRX tonight, thing will just shut off after idling for a few monents but runs fine anytime else. Bypassed all the switches and TORS, etc and it's not that.
Not fuel, been thru the carbs, likely electrical as there has been debri ground up in the flywheel housing recently... Thanks for posting the resistance spec's, needed them.
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Ohhh have fun with that. I have worked on these sleds for over 10 years now. I have done everything you can think of to them. Except replace a stator. This thing was a real piece of work to get off of there. For starters the 3 allen screws all were stripped. We ended up drilling through and drilling heads off. At that pint the pull starter catch could be removed. Then the EZ-out was used to remove the final studs. At that point the puller was bolted on and after REALLY putting the force to it BLING I lost all the skin on my wrist when she broke loose. After that is off, you have 3 Phillips screws to get the stator off. Make sure you have a big Phillips. The guy who owns the sled began to remove them when I was at the store. When I got back 2 were out and one was trashed. He used my good, big Snap-On screwdriver, but still ended up destroying it. Thank god I have the impact screwdriver. I put that on with the really big bit and smashed it with a 3lb hammer. That busted that screw loose. I gotta tell you, that part is a real PITA to remove. The used stator we got to replace this one, was wide open on the Bk/Br-R and we are waiting on another. I REALLY want his sled out of my garage at this point. What a mess.
Yea those bolts holding the recoil catch are a SOB. I used hex head when putting mine back together. The stator screws are almost as bad, use an impact driver from the start.
