Looking to stretch a 02 Viper


Mar 4, 2007
South Lyon, Michigan
Looking to stretch an 02 Viper to 136". Found some tracks locally, but not sure if a Ski Doo take-off will work with the stock drivers:

1. Camoplast ripsaw off a Skidoo 1 1/4 x 136", not sure what year, has some clips worn thru, but otherwise OK. It's advertised as a 16" track? Is replacing clips expensive?

2. Yamaha 1 1/4 x 136" x 15 takeoff from a 05 rage. 4,000 miles, so not new....

I'm sure the Yammi track will fit, but the Ski Doo Camoplast track looks in nicer shape.....

Any thoughts ?
As long as the pitch is 2.52 (which I'm sure it is) the track will fit. Clips aren't too expensive, usually about $1 each. You'll want a clip tool for clamping them on correctly. Also, you'll have to remove some rivets and a few other small pieces to get a 16" track to fit.
Count how many windows or spaces between the lugs that Doo track has. If it has 54 windows then I believe its a 2.52 pitch and it will work. The 16" wide thing will make it tight in the tunnel. It has been done here before tho. Try a search on that topic. May find some info on it.
Look in the classifieds here and on the 4stroke side. Usually alot of tracks for sale.
I installed a 121 x 1.25 off an 03 Rev. The only thing I had to change was the track. fit like a glove. But now I found a 136 Edge suspension, and a 136 track off an 06 sabre cat. Wondering if its the same pitch also. Anyone know?
