Slow coolant leak - head gasket?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Racine, Wisconsin
Put on some miles last night and the coolant code started to flash. Shut it done to look in the reservoir and when I took off the cap, saw some bubbles and then the coolant that was left in the reservoir slowly sucked down. There was about 2 to 3 inches in there when I first took the cap off, and then it sucked down to nothing.

Prior to this when I was filling up with gas, and topping off the oil, I noticed a little vapor coming off near the top of a power valve and I thought I had a leaking gasket, but now thinking back it could have been a leaking head gasket? Because I noticed a drop of antifreeze on top of the coolant line going to the water pump. On TOP of the hose, laying on the clamp, and not underneath the hose.

I imagine I should check the cylinder head torque for starters. I looked at the part exploded view and it shows a gasket and something else circular between the head and the jug. Replace both?
I'm guessing this is on your Srx. If so you have Orings sealing your heads to the cylinders.Take the time to remove the head and check and replace(if needed) the Orings. Torque down the heads and go for a test ride after bleeding the system. Let the engine cool down after the test ride and retorque the heads again.
Take out the Power Valves and see if there is any milky residue. I found some on one of mine and replaced the inner seal (red) head gasket. Problem went away and runs much better now. Turned out the inner seal was kinked in the groove it is suppose to sit in.
