Suddenly poor running 99 SRX700


New member
Mar 9, 2008
Eagan, MN
Last time out riding about 60 miles into the trip my SRX700 started running poorly at low speeds and idle.

Carbs were cleaned before the season even thought they looked good, been running good premium in it. Plugs looked OK when it first started acting up. Made it back OK, seemsed to be good at mid-range RPMs couldn't find a spot to try it WOT and besides if it was lean I don't want a meltdown. Almost seemed like it was running on two cyl at idle and low RPMs with a hint of a pop from time to time.

Would a stuck power valve give that sort of problem? Time to clean them anyhow so thought I'd start there. Any other ideas welcome. I've gotten great advice here before and there is a ton of expertise..
Stupid me, it was just a plug all the time, looked OK but didn't change them on the trail. Did decide to clean the power valves while I had it in the garage all warmed up. One had the cable pulled through but not on the side that had the bad plug. Didn't look super dirty now are good. 8 phones calls to dealers in the area to find a valve and hours drive away and $140.. oh well it's back running right.
Much of the premium around here is not ethanol added, only time I've ever had carb probs is after the summer storage. And even with Sea Foam or stabil
