Roller Rooster 2 vs Team Roller Secondary Clutch

being the are both rollers would you use the same degree helixes and where would i be able to get a team
The team weighs allmost double what the new roller rooster does & uses a real stiff torsion spring which hurts efficiency.
Brad, what do you plan on doing with your sled? I ran a Bender Roller Rooster secondary, and noticed very little difference over a stock secondary for trail riding and lake riding. Some guys have great results in the mountains with roller clutches, but you may be better off spending the money on something else unless you have some solid proof that roller clutches will help you do what you want to do.
looking for agressive trail set up i have heel clickers in the front.I ride with guys that have mxz 800 and xcr 800 just wont to have a little better clutching then them.Right now i have a bender 2070 helix and the new spring it witch is stiffer then the green.But i think the stock helix works just as or better then the bender one
I have a HI-Tech on my 600xt. The only benifit I would say was the quicker backshift. It was a big help for the mechanical brakes and the heavy machine.
Brad, to be perfectly honest with you, a roller clutch will probably not do what you are looking for. The Bender 2070 helix should be right around a 53/43 if I remember right, as I think that is what my 9970 was. Go back to the green spring, use the Bender helix and get a Heelclicker setup from the Tech Page and you should be set to go.
I was under the impression that the roll clutch takes less power to operate because it rolls verses sliding on the nylon slides.I apresiate your opinions but is 53/43 the same as a bender 2070.I never had a green spring bender gave me a black with silver dot spring and last year a new all red spring which is stiff yet
