Srx Light Issues


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Ok i know there are a number of SRX wiring issue postings on here... That being said all of them talk about problems with the fuel gauge, tach light and head light.
Now my issue is with the Speedo light and the low beam (no lb lights only hb)... is it just rub through and were are the usual spots under engine under cowl near handle bars where/what were problems.
Thanks Mike
Ok so I have more info and need more info... As stated before I have read the other posts about this issue well I checked the wire harness out. I started at the light/tach/speedo, I followed that harness all the way back(to the handle bars and to the brains). There were absolutely no rub throughs. Any othere ideas? Could this be a bad switch somewhere or no, I also sprayed WD40 on all connections incase of water problems no help.
HELP PLEASE ASAP! Trip planned this weekend.
You may have a rub through underneath the engine. I had the same problem and I ended pullin the harness from under engine, found the rub through, and re ran the harness. It's a little bit of work, and alot of trial and error. There are also 2 clips under the engine you have to loosen to remove the harness
I pulled the harness nothing the only "rub thru" I found was at the steering column and it wasn't thru to the wire only a little wear on the plastic. I am going to re-loom the wire tomorrow and try it out. Could it be the stator? Or possibly the Voltage Reg?
Doubt it is the stator as you said you have power to your high beams, I would check regulator and rectifier, they are 2 separate units on the left footwell. There are lots of guys on here with the parts you need for cheap
Ok I know exactly what you are saying does any one know what the ohms should be to each one? Also when I hit the lowbeams everything goes out that is why I was thinking a rub'd/smashed/broke wire
